1. Abney Park.
The American band, whose music is a mixture of rock, industrial, ethnic music and gothic. To give full steampunk sound, musicians use different "weird" instruments such as. Darbuka, mandolin and melodeon (I have no idea even what it is). They have released 13 studio albums, including one ("Dark Christmas") with Christmas melodies.
2. The Cog is Dead.
The Cog is Dead is a band from Florida, whose name was created by accident - and just play music through it. Once formed, the other team steampunk, who was known, was (just as described above) Abney Park. Members are using steampunk-sounding pseudonyms like Captain John Sprocket, Bradley Harrington III and Mr. Tony Seville. According to the fictional story they are time travelers, so some songs are not steampunk, but of the species, eg. Punk rock, reggae, Rock 'n Roll or Russian folk music - depending on the time, to which they retreated: D
3. Steam Powered Giraffe.
This band is quite famous in America, where they often give concerts. Members are dressed up as robots and move in "mechanical" movement. According to the fictional story we have just explained why they are stylized like robots. Well, in 1896 a rich inventor Colonel PA Walter invented "music machines" and this secret kept in the family for many years. Works were known as "the eighth and half Miracle World" and characterized by technological advancement. A band's name comes from the first Walter's robot - large, mechanical giraffe. Interesting, isn't it?
4. Escape the Clouds.
The band compared with Abney Park and Clockwork Dolls. One of the members is a multi-instrumentalist Mark Rossmore, who not only writes the lyrics, but all music and creates artworks (http://www.escapetheclouds.com/).
5. Ghostfire.
The London band; their style is made up of elements of folk music and sea shanties.
6. Clockwork Dolls.
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